I love my blog, but the problem I find is that sometimes I can't write about the things I'm thinking about when I know that my grandmother will be reading it. It's a total boner killer.
I can't be the only one in this position.
Got a blog?
Got a topic you don't want people knowing you wrote about or a story your mother shouldn't read?
Don't have a blog?
Want somewhere to post your embarrassing moments without being found out?
Send things over to thingsmymothershouldntread (at) gmail dot com
Everything will be posted anonymously.
Long time coming
1 hour ago
Awewewewsome blog idea Sarah. I'll be contributing once I successfully mine my repressed memories for a suitably embarrassing story.
- Anonymous (I mean, wait, shit...)
Hahaha, thanks Zach.
And seriously, start your damn blog!
I told my parents what my blog was about, and that they wouldn't like it, and that if they wanted to read it, fine, but we wouldn't be discussing it.
And they're fine with that. :-)
I'd be worried that things would get awkward.
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